Wednesday 21 October 2015

Un told 20 days pure birding in Uganda.

20 Days Pure Birding in Ugnda.

   For Bird lovers, we take you through the most birding paradise in Uganda. Many bird species will be spotted and recorded through our 20 days pure Birding. Beautiful and rare bird species will be identified including Shoebill, Red winged Grey wabler, Rock pranticole, Secretary bird, Bat hawk, Denhams blustered, Pelfishing Owl, White chrested Turaco, Vinaceous dove, Senegal thicknee, Chestnutsparrow weaver, Carmie bee eater, Night jars, peanut winged and the White winged Canary to mention but a few

DAY 1: Arrival- Transfer to Entebbe/Kampala

You will be welcomed by Gorilla Trust  Tours representative/staff who  will transfer you to your hotel in Entebbe/Kampala for relaxation and refreshments in preparation for the next day’s Uganda Birding safari in Ugandan jungles.
DAY 2: Mabamba Swamp

This is about 5 km west of Kampala. The wetland is newly discovered home for the most sought after bird the Shoebill. Birding is done on the on the canoes in marsh channels. Special birds is include White winged Wabler, Papyrus Goneleck, Yellow backed Weaver, Blue headed coucal, Northern Brown throated Weaver and other swamp specialities. Look out for the Athe Shoebill Stock both in the sky and down on the mash. Also look for Swamp Flycatchers, African Purple Swamphen, African Water Rail, Common Moorhen, Lesse Jacana, African Jacana, African Pygime Goose, White faced whistling duck,, Squacco heron, Blue reasted Bee eater, Winding Cistocia, Goliath Heron and Black Cracke. Dinner and overnight stay at at Serena Kampala Hotel, Sheraton Hotel, Emin Pasha Hotel ,Imperial (High end/luxurious accommodation), Hotel Africana, Cassia Lodge, Capitol Palace Hotel, Imperial Royale Hotel, Metropole Hotel Kampala, Holiday Express Hotel, Namirembe Guest House, Makerere Guest House, Red Chili Hideaway (Low budget/basic accommodation). Meal plan :( B, L, D)

DAY 3: Murchison Fall National Park

Begin with a panoramic drive northwest through the famous Luwero Triangle to Masindi Town.  A stop over is made at Masindi for snacks at Masindi Hotel, your trip continues to Budongo forest and to the spectacular fall where you can see the Nile's perfected beauty, and marvel as it compresses and squeezes itself from over 1 kilometer wide down through a 7-meter canyon. The 150-meter drop of the falls creates a thunderous roar and a beautiful rainbow in a plume of spray, See, feel and photograph the beauty of the spot as you spot out a countless bird species around. Dinner and overnight at Paara safari lodge, Nile safari camp or Sambiya River lodge (High class accommodation)/ Red chili hostels and campsite (Budget accommodation) Meal plan :( B, L, D)
DAY 4: Murchison Fall National Park
Take a boat along the Victoria Nile to delta at Lake Albert. This is a home to Hippos and many other enormous crocdiles as well as special birds which include Shoebill, Secretary bird, Abysinian roller and griund horn bill, pied Kingfishers, Red Throated Bee eaters lining the banks, Goliath Heron, Saddle billed stock, Sacerd Ibis, Fulvous whistling duck, Senenal and Water, Thick knees , Black headed and long toed Lapwing, Little Bitten, Osprey, Red necked Falcon, Blue breasted Bee, vinaceous Dove and Grosbeak Weaver. This afternoon cross for birding on the top of the falls. Look for White fronted black chat, Rock pranticoles, White crested Turaco, Grey woodpecker, Darter and Giant Kingfisher, Red Throated Bee eater, Red shouldered Cuckoo shrike, western Violent backed Sunbird, Black headed Gonoleck, Chestnut crowned Sparow weaver, Brown twinspot, Bar breasted firefinch, Red winged Pytillia and Red winged Grey wabler, Bruces pigeon and Ospery. Dinner and overnight at Paara safari lodge, Nile safari camp or Sambiya River lodge (High class accommodation)/ Red chili hostels and campsite (Budget accommodation)
DAY 5: Murchison Fall National Park

Take an early morning game drive on the northern banks of the Victoria Nile. Birds recorded here include the Egyptian plover, Shoebill, Red winged Grey wabler, Rock pranticole, Secretary bird, Bat hawk, Denhams blustered, Pelfishing Owl, White chrested Turaco, Vinaceous dove, Senegal thicknee, Chestnutsparrow weaver, Carmie bee eater, Night jars, peanut winged and the White winged Canary. Afternoon drive to Budongo forest. Dinner and overnight at Kaniyo Pabidi cabins/cottages Meal plan :( B, L, D)
DAY 6: Budongo Forest

Start early birding inside the Budongo forest through the Escarpment looking for Foxs Cisticola, Whitw headed barbet, Northern crombec, Singing cisticola, Grey headed bush shrike, Black billed barbet, Grey headed Olive back, Black billed fire finch, Madagascar heron, Lesser masked weaver and Shikra. Afternoon birding at Budongo may be very productive. The forest is one of the largest and the most beautiful forest in Uganda. It is a home for African dwarf Kingfisher, African crowned eagle, Olive camarpotera, Yellow and grey long bill, Chocolate backed kingfisher, Red tailed Ant thrush, Velvet mantled drongo, Rufous crowned Eremomera, Iturbi batis and Nathans francolin. Dinner and overnight stay. Dinner and overnight at Kaniyo Pabidi cabins/cottages Meal plan :( B, L, D)
DAY 7: Budongo Forest: Royal mile and Busingiro

Whole day birding  at the Royal mile Busingiro, Key species include: African dwarf, and Chorcolate backed kingfisher, Chestnut crowned Eremomera, White spoted fftail, Yellow and Grey long bills, Olive bellied cuckoo, Blue breasted kingfisher, Crowned eagle, Dusky long tailed cuckoo, Forest flycatcher, Yellow browned camaroptera and cabanis bunting, Brown backed Scrub robin, Narina trogon, Golden crowned woodpecker, Rufous flycatcher trush, Chestnut capped flycatcher, Black heades paradise fly catcher, Little green Sunbird, Green sunbird both Negrofinches, Wester black headed oriole, African emerald Cuckoo, Red tailed ant trush, Yellow long bill, Gray long bill, forest robin, Scaly breasted illadopsis, Rufous crowned eremomela, the elusive lemon bellied crombec, Yellow mated weaver, Yellow browned camropetera, Green crombec, Creasted malimbe and Red headed blue bill. Dinner and Overnight stay at your  preffered hotel/lodge . Meal plan :( B, L, D)
DAY 8: Kibale Forest National Park
Leave very early for Kibale National Park. Kibale Forest birds include Grey winged robin, Blue shouldered robin chat, Yellow spotted barbet, Black billed Turaco, White napped pigeon, green breasted pitta, Red chested fluff taill, African pitta, Joyful green bul cabanis green bull, Grey throated fly catcher, White bellied crested flycatcher, masked a pail, Nathans francolin, Tinny sunbird, white collard Olive back among others also this forest is ahome to the 13 primate species. . Dinner and overnight at the Ndali Safari Lodge, Primate Lodge,(Luxury accommodation)or the tree house at kanyankyu ecological centre,Chimp’s Nest and Nature lodges(Budget accommodation). Meal plan :( B, L, D)
DAY 9: Kibale Forest - Semiliki National Park

Half day birding in Kibale, this is incorporated with a chimp walk. Among other bird species to spot includes: White tailed anti thrushes, purple headed, Glossy starling, Brown illadopsis, Masked Apalis, Green breasted pitta, white Napped pigeon, Toro Olive Green  bull, Black billed Turaco, Buff spotted woodpecker and Green cromber. Afternoon drive to Semiliki National park. Dinner and overnight at Semiliki Safari Lodge, (Luxury accommodation) or Semiliki Bandas and campsite (Budget accommodation). Meal plan :( B, L, D)

DAY 10: Semiliki National Park

Whole day birding in the forest. Semiliki in known for it is most sought after rarities and these include:Congo serpent eagle, Black throated coucal, Grey throated rail, Nkulengu rail, Long tailed hawk, Spot breasted ibis, Capuchin babber, Yellow throated nicater, Nothern beareded scrub robin, Red chested owlet, Western bronz napped pigeon, Black collared lovebird, White beilled kingfisher, red rumped thinker bird, Lyre tailed honey guide, Zenker honey guide, White throated blue swallow, Bates nighters, Yellow throated cuckoo, Orange tufted sunbird, Black winged oriole, Red billed crombic, Rufous sided broadbill, Icterine green bul, Swamp palm bulbul, Cresasted malimbe, ferry breasted bush shrinke, pale fronted negrofinch and piping, Red billed, Black dwarf, White created, Black casqued wattled and White thghed hornbill. Dinner and overnight at Semiliki Safari Lodge, (Luxury accommodation) or Semiliki Bandas and campsite (Budget accommodation). Meal plan :( B, L, D)
DAY 11: Semuliki National Park

Whole day birding in the forest. Kirumira trails have become the most popular trail for its richness in diversity of bird species. Dinner and overnight at Semiliki Safari Lodge, (Luxury accommodation) or Semiliki Bandas and campsite (Budget accommodation). Meal plan :( B, L, D)
DAY 12: Semuliki- Queen Elizabeth National Park

Morning drive south wards to Queen Elizabeth National park. This is the second largest park in Uganda. Serious birders may be interested to know that the one day record of QENP is 296 species out of 610 recorded in the parks. An excellent variety of birds can be seen and these include pelicans, Skimmers, Kingfishers, Thick Knees, Storks, Martins, Swallow, Weavers, canaries, Kites, and many grassland specialties. Evening birding is very productive. Dinner and overnight at Mweya safari lodge or Jacana Safari Lodge (High class accommodation)/ Budget at Mweya hostel, Institute of ecology or Simba Safari Camp. Meal plan :( B, L, D)
DAY 13: Queen Elizabeth National Park

Whole day birding in the park. An early game drive in an open savannah is an ideal for spotting savannah birds. The afternoon launch cruise is much rewarding along the Kazinga channel, connecting Lake George and Edward, is among the best know in the region for its high diversity of bird species include: African Skimmer, Green Backed Heron, African spoonbill, African crake,Water thick knee, three banned plover, mash, green wood and common sandpiper, grey headed gull, plain martin lesser swamp warbler and yellow billed Oxpecker. Dinner and overnight at Mweya safari lodge or Jacana Safari Lodge (High class accommodation)/ Budget at Mweya hostel, Institute of ecology or Simba Safari Camp. Meal plan :( B, L, D)
DAY 14: Queen-Bwindi Impenetrable Forest
The great  home for the endangered Montane Gorillas. Species of birds include: Black rufous warbler, Grauers wabler, Band prina, Black faced apalis, Black throated apalis, Mountain masked apalis, Red throated alethe, Yellow eyed black flycatcher, Ashy flycatcher, Dusky blue flycatcher, Rwenzori batis black and White shinke flycatcher, White beilled creasted catcher, pale breasted illadopsis, Mounatin illadopsis, African hill babler, Dusky tit, Blue headed sunbird, Nothern double collared sunbird, Grey headed sunbird, Mackinons fiscal, Soot boubou, Pink footed puff back, Dohertys bush shrinke, white napped raven, Montana oriole, African golden oriole, Stuhmanns tarling, Narrow tailed starling, Wallers starling, Strange weaver, Brown capped weaver, Black billed weaver, Dusky crimsonwing, Oriole finch, Mountain buzzed, Aryes hawk eagle, Handsome francolin, Black billed Turaco, Barred long tailed cuckoo, African wood owl, Rwenzori nighter, Scare swift, bar tailed trogon, Cinnamon chested bee eater, Black bee eater, Weatern bronze napped pigeon, red sheeted owlet, Tulbergs , African green broadbill, Western green timber bird, Lagden bush shrinke, Pettis cuckoo shrinke, White beilled robin chat, Olive thrush, White tailed ant thrush, Grauers rush warber, short tailed warbler, Neumanns Warbler and Red faced woodland warber. Dinner and overnight at Sanctuary Gorilla Forest Camp, Bwindi Resort, volcanoes (High end/luxurious accommodation), Buhoma Lodge, Engagi Lodge, Lake Kitandara Tents, Silverback Lodge (Medium class accommodation) and Buhoma local community Bandas (Low budget/basic accommodation) Meal plan :( B, L, D)
DAY 15: Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park.

With an early morning breakfast ready for trekking which begins at 8:00 a.m with a briefing from the UWA staff guide on the rule and regulations regarding trekking the endangered mountain Gorillas? Ensure to carry along with you rain jacket, drinking water, snacks, jungle boots etc The guides will lead you inside the  beautiful ecosystem to see the shy Primates for a group you have been booked for. Do not forget to take your lunch boxes and all the necessary gear to track the rare Mountain Gorilla, perhaps one of the most exciting wildlife experiences on earth. The tracking may take between 2 and 6 hours but its well worth the effort. Dinner and overnight at Sanctuary Gorilla Forest Camp, Bwindi Resort, volcanoes (High end/luxurious accommodation), Buhoma Lodge, Engagi Lodge, Lake Kitandara Tents, Silverback Lodge (Medium class accommodation) and Buhoma local community Bandas (Low budget/basic accommodation) Meal plan :( B, L, D)
DAY 16: Ruhija -  Mumwindi Swamp

The 4km trail to Mumwindi Swamp drops from 2350m to 2050m and is the best place for some of the most difficult to find of all Rift endemics including Graucer, African green , Broadbill Regal Sunbird and Arcers Robin Chart. Mumwindi Swamp at an elvation of 2050/6725ft holds dwarf honey guide, stripe breasted tit, Rwenzori Apalis and African hill babbler some times treated as separate species Rwenzori hill Babbler, the rare and localized Grauers includinding very difficult to see species Fraser Eagle owl and Rwenzori Doubles collared Sunbird, you should also come a cross Greenbul  Bill, Grauers rush warbler, purple breasted, Blue headed and regal sunbird, Archer srobin chart, Eastern Mountain Greenbul, Strange weaver, Black headed waxbill, Bartailed trogon, white headed Woodhoope, wallers and Stuhlmanns starling and the Handsome froncolin, Montana nightjar. Dinner and overnight at Sanctuary Gorilla Forest Camp, Bwindi Resort, volcanoes (High end/luxurious accommodation), Buhoma Lodge, Engagi Lodge, Lake Kitandara Tents, Silverback Lodge (Medium class accommodation) and Buhoma local community Bandas (Low budget/basic accommodation) Meal plan :( B, L, D)
DAY 17: Bwindi - Lake Mburo National Park

Lake Mburo National Park is a very special place every part of it is alive with a variety of interest and colour. The park contains an extensive area of wetland. The park harbors severals species of mammals including zebras, Impala, elands, topi and Buffaloes. The bird population include, Gree backed woodpecker, African finfoot, Brown chested plover, Southern ground hornbill, spot flanked, Red faced and Black collared barbet, white winged warbler, papyrus yellow warbler, Carruther, Cisticola, Paptrus gonoleka, Yellow billed oxpecker and Northen brown throated weaver. Dinner and overnight at Mhingo Safari lodge, Acadia cottages, Mantana tented camp (high class accommodation)/ Rwonyo Rest Camp and Bandas , Mburo tents (Budget end accommodation) ) Meal plan :( B, L, D)

DAY 18: Lake Mburo – Kampala

Begin your day with an early morning   cup of African tea followed by morning game drive, return to Kampala/Entebbe via Crocodile Farm with a picnic lunch. Dinner and overnight stay at at Serena Kampala Hotel, Sheraton Hotel, Emin Pasha Hotel ,Imperial (High end/luxurious accommodation), Hotel Africana, Cassia Lodge, Capitol Palace Hotel, Imperial Royale Hotel, Metropole Hotel Kampala, Holiday Express Hotel, Namirembe Guest House, Makerere Guest House, Red Chili Hideaway (Low budget/basic accommodation). Meal plan :( B, L, D)
DAY 19: Kampala - Mabira Forest

Whole day birding Mabira, Lying astride highway to Eastern Uganda less than an hours’ drive from Kampala Mabira forest supports over 300 bird species, many of which are difficult to see elsewhere in Uganda. An excellent trail network allows access. Flowering trees are inviting to the sunbirds like the Superb sunbirds, Blue Throated Brown, Green Throated and Olive bellied. Other forest species include Forest Robin, Grey crowned Nerofinch, African Blue Flycatcher and Speckle breasted Woodpecker.
Return to Kampala for dinner and overnight stay at Serena Kampala Hotel, Sheraton Hotel, Emin Pasha Hotel ,Imperial (High end/luxurious accommodation), Hotel Africana, Cassia Lodge, Capitol Palace Hotel, Imperial Royale Hotel, Metropole Hotel Kampala, Holiday Express Hotel, Namirembe Guest House, Makerere Guest House, Red Chili Hideaway (Low budget/basic accommodation). Meal plan :( B, L, D)

DAY 20: Departure

Half day birding around Kampala, Uganda s large and modern capital lies on the northern shores of Lake Victoria, Its well wooded outskirts offers greater opportunities supporting a wide variety of birds. In fact, the city of Kampala may provide your best chance of seeing certain species such as Bat Hawk and African Hobby. Both breed regularly in tall trees in the urban area and are commonly observed overhead at  dusk in the city centre for example around Makerere University and the Sheraton Hotel. Another good spot for these spectacular birds is near Backpackers Hostel, African Hobby has rested in the campsite and Bat Hawk is regularly seen nearby. Take the second left after the turn off to the Backpackers Hostel on the Road to Natete and walk down the road to the last big house at the end. A Bat Hawk often perches in the massssive tree here at dust. After your afternoon lunch prepare to drive to the airport for your evening flight back home
For more information, log in, or
Inno Omunyakigezi.

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